Friday, November 28, 2008

Friday preparedness

Rather than focusing just on food on Fridays, as per Sharon's food storage quickiesI think I'm going to look at everything that I've done during the week to increase my preparedness for whatever's coming.

- dehydrated mushrooms
- bought corn meal, brown rice, peanut butter, large cabbage, 10 lbs carrots, 15 lbs potatos, 10 lbs yellow onions, ramen, oats
- bought canning supplies - canning jars, extra lids, magnetic wand, jar lifter

- bought cast iron pan (thrift store)
- bought air mattress (WalMart)
- bought flashlight (Circuit City)
- bought hand-crank radio (Circuit City)

- bought two thick, warm wool sweaters (thrift store)
- worked on wool fingerless gloves

- bought "The Book of Whole Grains" and "Putting Food By"
- borrowed "The Encyclopedia of Country Living", "Practical Skills", "The Complete Book of Small Batch Preserving", and "Local Flavours"

- talked with some friends about post-carbon activism
- researching local food security groups and the local food co-op

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